from $500

*Landing — a one-page website for collecting contacts from visitors or selling goods/services. As a rule, it briefly and succinctly presents information about the product.

The more convenient the landing page is for the user, the more interested the brand is

An important component in any landing page is design

Through an interesting design, you can attract the attention of a site visitor from the first seconds.
There shouldn't be too much information on the landing page. It is necessary to state the text component of the site briefly and succinctly. The visitor should be able to quickly view the entire site without going to other pages, and could contact the manager to clarify the information.

Who will the landing page suit?

The landing page is suitable for both small companies that are just starting their activities, and market leaders for the presentation of individual services or products

What does the price depend on?

The basic landing page price is $500. This price includes design and layout on Tilda 8 blocks: menu, home page, benefits, about the company or product, favorable offers (promotions, discounts), reviews, contacts, basement.
The price depends on the choice of CMS: Tilda or Wordpress. Tilda has a more expensive data plan, but it allows you to make changes to the site yourself. In Wordpress, the pricing plans are lower, but to make changes, you will need to contact us and pay for each edit at the agreed rate.
The exact price is announced only after the project is discussed.

Создание лендинга под ключ

Как происходит оплата?

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